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Friday, May 30, 2008

Day 14: Resting at Roosevelt Park, Washington

I sent a brief note yesterday but it didn't post. So I will briefly rehash yesterday's ride: 41.6 miles; 284 total.

Yesterday I crossed a long bridge (gusty!) that took me into Washington State. Then a long steep uphill that ended when I turned right onto State Route 14. Sign said "No gas 84 miles" and it was somewhat desolate. The ocassional cattle ranch or, as I got farther east, fruit orchards. Scenery was interesting: note photo posted yesterday is looking back to the west, with Mt Hood (I think) in the distance.

I ended at Roosevelt Park, down by the riverside and close to West Roosevelt and North Roosevelt. There used to be only one Roosevelt, where the park is now, but some years ago the Govt built dams which flooded the town, and the people had to be relocated. They couldn't agree on one site-- hence West and North Roosevelt.

There was a very strong wind when I arrived. Yesterday morning, breaking camp, I broke a tent pole. I didn't want to struggle erecting a lame tent in a windstorm, so opted to sleep on the floor in a small pavillion that held a picnic table. (see photo from yesterday) Most of the pavillion walls were open, but I was snug against a brick wall, well protected from
the wind. But at 1:15 am I was awakened by water: a sprinkler system used to water the lawns had gone off, and I was in the target zone of one sprinkler. The park attendant had advised me of the sprinklers and told me to borrow a sprinkler "deflector" if I was going to be pitching a tent. But he said the sprinklers wouldn't hit the pavillion. He was wrong. But I used one oft bicycle panniers (waterproof) as a deflector and slept comfortably the rest of the night.

Today I rested,napped, and repaired my tent pole. It was sunny all day, with little wind.

Note: although I have the camping area all to myself, this park is popular with windsurfers. Even though I am almost 300 miles upstream the river is stop a good mile across!

Sent from my iPhone

Walt Wright
917 783 6540


1 comment:

Greg Bertles said...

My Grandaughter and I have tuned in to your blog. My grandaughter, Caitlin, is 11 years old and so she is going to be sending it to her friends. So you will have a whole new genarition of followers. We waned to know if you have lost any weight scince you started your ride? Your fans, Greg B. and Caitlin:)