Hordes of Harleys, literally hundreds, were on the road today. They were headed west to Milwaukee for Harley Davidson's 105th birthday celebrations. There were so many packs of riders that it felt like I was back in South Dakota during the Sturgis motorcycle rally. At breakfast, I enjoyed a conversation with four middle-aged bikers from the D.C. area.
Leslie's mother was Finnish -- her maiden name was Lehto. So, when I saw the name Lehto on a mailbox I mustered up the gumption to go knock on their door and say "hello." I met Andy Lehto, a very amiable fellow, and had a nice talk with him. I passed on his photo to Leslie to inspect for any family resemblances.
I met Matt along the road (see photo below). Matt was bicycling solo, from Toledo to Milwaukee, to raise money for Lou Gehrig's disease. (Trivia for my ex-co-workers: Matt has worked for Marsh since 1980, and now heads their Grand Rapids office. He once worked in Columbus, and knew Jim Inkrott. I gently chided him for not introducing any actuarial services to his clients, and he will be expecting a marketing call/letter. I will send contact information to David F.)

Spent the night at one of those little motels built in the 1920's aor 30's, consisting of small, detached cabins. The owners, in their 80's, were very nice and attentive. I was their only customer, but I think this was more a function of the sparsity of tourists (it was a slow tourist season to begin with, and now the season is over) than of the quality of their little motel. My objective had been to stay in a motel, rather than camp, so that I could watch Hillary deliver her speach at the Democratic National Convention; however, I fell asleep during a preliminary speech, and missed all of Hillary's.
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