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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fwd: Plymouth NC to Bath NC, Sep 16; 32 miles

Sent from my iPhone

Walt Wright
917 783 6540

Begin forwarded message:

From: Walter Wright <waltercwright@yahoo.com>
Date: September 16, 2009 6:12:19 PM EDT
To: "go@blogger.com" <go@blogger.com>
Subject: Plymouth NC to Bath NC, Sep 16; 32 miles

Places to spend the night have been surprisingly few and far between, making it difficult to plan each day's ride.  This morning my initial idea had been to ride about 50 miles and then have a rest day. However, due to the inconvenient locations of motels, I decided to take a relatively short ride today and continue tomorrow, skipping the rest day so as to try to stay on schedule for arriving at destination on the 24th.

Bath, a town of about 300 people on the Pamlico River, is the oldest town in NC, having incorporated in 1706. Fortunately for me they have a motel servicing their marina.

My thoughts today have been with friend and co-worker Georgia Nelson. Georgia's a wonderful young woman (and wife and mother) who has had far more than her fair share of serious illnesses--the strength and serenity with which she has faced her difficulties has inspired those of us who know her.  I got word earlier today that she is now facing another grave situation and my thoughts are with Georgia and her family as they all struggle with this. We love you, Georgia.     

Sent from my iPhone

Walt Wright
917 783 6540


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