After climbing out above the McGary Dam , most of the time I was on fairly flat US 730, on the south-east bank of the Columbia. It was very scenic, with 15 miles or more in the Wallula Gap, a passage thru the Horse Heaven Hills. Except for the view of the dam, the photos are all of the approach to and inside the Gap.
The Columbia turned north and I tirned east, and am now at a csmpground on the banks of the Walla Walla River Camp neighbors very friendly--3 retired guys here for the fishing who gave me a share of the beef stew and apple pie they had brought from home.
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Walt Wright
917 783 6540
What's your mileage, Dad? You haven't posted it for the last few days.
hey walt,
leslie stopped in to the church center friday past and told me of your fantastic journey. very inspiring, as someday when i retire i hope to do the cross country walk. who knows, by then air might be $4.25 a gallon. the pictures seem to make the inevitables aches and pains worth the effort. big encouragement to you from nyc. regards, neil bines
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