This was a very pleasant ride on a nice day. Without a headwind! Maybe even a bit of a tailwind.
Bismarck is a large city. As I biked to the Fairmont Inn, where I had reservations, I was glad to pass an optician's store and find out that they could repair the frame of my glasses, which broke yesterday. It took awhile for them to send it to take it to their lab and solder it, but they made a special trip to the lab with my glasses so that I was able to get the glasses back within a couple of hours. Friendly people!
I checked into the Marriott Fairmont Inn at the employee rate, thanks to Dana D. who manages the Fairmont Inn in Great Falls and is a friend of Max. Thanks, Dana! (Dana's picture appears below.)
It turns out that Max from Great Falls, who has been so helpful to me, actually was born in North Dakota, moved to Bismarck when he was 11 years old, and went through high school here. So I am still within Max's "jurisdiction," as he says, and he is still looking after me! I am beginning to think of Max as my guardian angel. Tomorrow morning Bob, a childhood friend of Max's, is going to pick me up at the motel and take me out to breakfast!
Your travels are amazing. I'm taking them with you vicariously. My best to you.
Hi ya Walt! it was good to meet you today & visit a bit. I do hope you made it to a campground before any rain. I made about 35 bfore my wife caught me & we went on to our KOA in Bismarck. Thne we both went out for a ride..nice trails. stay in touch...okla mike
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