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Friday, July 4, 2008

Twisted Sister

My Day 47 post has a paragraph toward the end that states that there are "Adopt a Highway" signs in Montana (as in most states), identifying who had volunteered to keep the highway free of litter for the next couple of miles. Anyone who read this paragraph must have thought that either (a) my trip was getting terribly boring, without much to report; or (b) I had gone crazy. Actually, the answer is (c): I am too absent-minded, and had intended to delete that paragraph but forgot to do so.

Let me explain.

I was initially going to add a sentence at the end of the paragraph that said I was very surprised to see that a section of the highway had been "adopted" by Twisted Sister. When I saw this sign, I assumed that Twisted Sister was a reference to the 1980's punk rock band of that name (I am not at all familiar with this band, but their name is one that sticks in your mind). I assumed that the band or some of its members were originally from Montana, or that maybe one or more of its members had "retired" and moved to Montana.

But then I got more skeptical, and thought that I should just delete the paragraph because I couldn't prove that the "Twisted Sister" identified on the sign was actually the rock band. For all I knew, "Twisted Sister" could be the name of a local restaurant, or a gift shop or something. But I forgot to delete the paragraph.

Maybe one of you readers can determine if the rock group Twisted Sister actually does have some connection to Montana. The sign, incidentally, was near the town of Cascade.

If this is, in fact, the rock band, then taking responsibility for keeping a section of the highway free of litter is very extraordinary. I seem to remember that Boy George was doing some street cleaning in New York City a couple of years ago, but his public service was given under court order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Walt, Twisted Sister is a New York band. Maybe you are confusing them with Hannah Montanta. Actually, there is a Twister Sisters Guild in Bozeman, MT, which, I believe, is a weavers guild.

Ted Z