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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day 64 (7/19): Sundheim Park to Watford City, ND

Mileage: 38.5; 1,741 total

Not a long ride, but Watford City was the only reasonable stopping point for me.

I broke camp as quickly as possible amidst swarms of mosquitos. Didn't even think about fixing breakfast. Ate some snack food shortly after starting and then had a late breakfast at Alexander, ND. Also toured the town museum -- major display focused on the 1931 lynching of a confessed murderer of a family of six. I clearly got the sense that the town was proud of this example of "frontier justice"!

Spent a relaxing afternoon in a motel that turned out to have a nice pool!

Sent from my iPhone

Walt Wright
917 783 6540


1 comment:

Doobs said...

Just curious Walt. I assume that you've lost weight although judging from some of your dining descriptions, it doesn't sound like you're starving to death. Have you had the opportunity to weigh yourself? Do you care to share?