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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mercer Oliver

The name of the actuarial firm that I worked for changed many times in recent years, as the result of acquisitions and reorganizations. For many years we were Mercer. Then Mercer Oliver Wyman and, at the time I retired, Oliver Wyman. Were we ever Mercer Oliver? I guess this permutation never popped up.

With that background, I had been well aware yesterday that most of my ride was within Mercer County. But I was surprised, toward the end of the day, to look at my map and see that Mercer County was adjacent to Oliver County. I never saw a sign saying that I was entering Oliver County, but the best I can figure is that the road I was on, Rte 200, formed the northern border of Oliver County. I am tempted to say "Mercer, Oliver -- why? Man, what a coincidence!" but that would be too corny.

1 comment:

Mike and KK said...

ok, Walt..I'm going to try & leave a comment..again..I meet you on the road, friday, i think..I'm the OKIE biking NW..we made it to Bismarck & love it..lots of trails & people!hope you made it to the campground ok & then found Bob's steakhouse..saty in touch...mike