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Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 131 (9/24): Oneida to Little Falls, NY

Mileage: 60.9; 4,246 total

Steve and I got off to a reasonably early start, and were hustling to get as far east as we could, to meet up with my old college friend/fraternity brother, Pat M. We didn't take many breaks along the way, and fortunately there weren't really any good places for sightseeing, anyway.

We were disappointed not to be able to find any good place to eat in Rome, and had to settle for a Denny's.

Meanwhile, Pat M., who is a veritable animal on a bicycle, had started out on his bike from somewhere near Albany, and was pedaling west to meet us on the trail. We joined him just west of Herkimer, and then the three of us proceeded east to Little Falls, where we checked into a suite in a B&B. Steve and I had done just under 61 miles, but Pat had completed 93 by the end of the day.

There were only two places available to us for dinner that evening, but the place we chose turned out to be just what we were looking for: excellent pasta dishes, with large portions, and beer. By about 10 PM, we were all ready to conk out for the night.

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