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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Leaving Hamilton MT

Getting off to a very late start at 4:30 pm, headed to Sula Here is a picture
of Hamilton, with Bitterroot Mountains in background.

As I was leaving bike shop I met John & Betsy and their daughters Lindsey (14) and Caitlin (11). See photo They live in Washington State and are biking cross-country to Marblehead, Mass., to visit Betsy's mother! These young girls are strong bikers!

Sent from my iPhone

Walt Wright
917 783 6540



Anonymous said...

What's your overall mileage now? It seems as though your average daily mileage has slowly creeped up over the past few weeks but I haven't felt geeky enough to graph it.

Unknown said...

walt, this is bob ingco. what you are doing is amazing. wish i could do it myself. how abt describing your itinerary for the next few months, where you will be when. maybe i can join you some days? you do not find what you are doing dangerous-thieves, trucks, animals, etc?