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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Two More Thoughts About Hills

At the risk of getting too shallow, I feel compelled to add two more thoughts (expanding my June 10 posting) that were much on my mind as I slogged up to Winchester yesterday:

(3) Climbing a long hill, it can be frustrating to think about how much more elevation there is to gain, and how much farther it is to the top. But it is worthwhile to stop on occasion and look down into the valley from which you started, for you are bound to be encouraged by seeing how far you have already come.

(4) I have been on hills that are so steep that I cannot keep pedaling, even in my easiest gear at a measly 2.5 miles per hour. But I have never encountered a hill that I couldn't walk up, pushing my bike, at 2 miles an hour.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"(4) I have been on hills that are so steep that I cannot keep pedaling. But I have never encountered a hill that I couldn't walk up"

Hey that's what i think too. People say that with time it will become easier...... Please keep on writing your experience with Hills.